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Parental involvement in the school

The right of parents to participate in shaping the school system through their representatives is highly valued and is enshrined in the state constitution of North Rhine-Westphalia. The North Rhine-Westphalia School Act regulates how participation works in detail. The committees in which parents participate are the class council, the class conference, the school council, the subject conferences and the school conference.

The most important co-determination bodies are explained below

The class council

  • All parents of pupils in a class form the class council. At the beginning of the school year, the class council elects a chairperson and a deputy chairperson from among its members. The class council serves to promote cooperation between parents, teachers and pupils.
  • The chairperson convenes the meetings of the class council and sets the agenda in consultation with the class teacher. Individual parents can also register topics for the agenda. The class teacher will usually attend the meeting.

The school council

  • Members of the school council are the chairpersons of the class councils. Their deputies may also attend the meetings. The head teacher should attend the meetings in an advisory capacity. The chairperson of the school board invites students to the meetings and sets the agenda. The school council elects a chairperson and up to three deputies. It also elects the parent representatives for the school conference. The parent representatives who are elected to the school conference are not bound by the instructions of the school council.
  • The school council represents the interests of all parents at the school vis-à-vis the school management and other co-determination bodies. Decisions to be made in the school conference should be discussed and deliberated beforehand in the school council.
  • The school council can also submit its own proposals to the school conference.

The school conference

  • The school conference is the school’s highest co-determination body. It is made up of representatives of parents and teachers. The parent representatives are elected by the school council and the teachers by the teachers’ conference. The school conference has 6 members at schools with up to 200 pupils.
  • The school conference deals with fundamental school matters and mediates in conflicts within the school. It can make suggestions and proposals to the school board and the school supervisory authority. The school management participates in the meetings of the school conference in an advisory capacity without voting rights.

Members of the school council and school conference
in the 2024 / 2025 school year

Class Chairperson Deputy
Class 1 Kristin Raab Nadine Müller
Class 2 Kathrin Schulte Manuela Rölle
Class 3 Esther Ringbeck Lilija Bals
Class 4a Maike Jochum Christina Heinemann
Class 4b Miriam Pavlovic Barbara Schmelter
Chairwoman of the school board n.n.
Deputy n.n.
Members of the school conference:
Elected parent representatives: n.n.
Elected teacher representatives: Svenja Bals, Katja Eiden, Simone Wülbeck
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