Farewell to class 4

On the penultimate day of the school year, several special events were on the agenda.
After the presentation of the “School with Courage” certificate, we said goodbye to this year’s fourth graders, with the two third graders Tim and Filipos leading the program.
After a short speech by Mrs. Göbel-Kohtz, a few girls from class 4 performed a dance. Afterwards, the entire class 4 performed the stand-up theater “Nun ist es soweit”. The fourth graders bid farewell to the school community with colorful costumes and funny sayings. Parents and grandparents were of course also very welcome on this special occasion.
Afterwards, the honorary certificates of the Federal Youth Games were awarded and our mediators were honored.
Accompanied by music and photos from the last four school years, Ms. Eiden and Ms. Göbel-Kohtz handed out the report cards to the fourth graders.
At the end, classes 1-3 sang the song “Wir sagen euch tschüss” together.
We wish our fourth graders all the best for the future and a great start at their new schools!