The children of the OGS were invited to the Hotel and Restaurant Schwermer on Friday, 26.04.2024. The children and the supervisors met with Mr. David and Mr. Bernhard Schwermer and cooked apple pancakes together.
Thanks to the chicken project, the topic of eggs is currently very present among the children. The children were able to get the eggs for the pancakes from Schwermers’ henhouse and get an impression of how the hatched chicks will live later. By later processing the eggs, they have learned that not only is new life created from the eggs, but that they are also part of our food. The children also learned that eggshells don’t have to be thrown away, but can be put in the compost or given to the chickens to eat.
After collecting eggs, each child received a chef’s hat with their own name on it and a personalized chef’s certificate.
Mr. Bernhard Schwermer was supported by the children while cooking. They were allowed to cut apples and help decide the size of the pancakes. Meanwhile, other children were setting the table in the restaurant. After the meal, the children helped clear the table and thanked us for a great afternoon.
The Schwermer family and the OGS want to continue to work together on various projects in the future and jointly expand the variety of offers at St. Katharina Primary School.